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It's the Final Countdown

Only 22 days until I'm in Germany! I can't wait to go see a new country and to experience a new culture.

Lately, many friends and family have been asking if I'm nervous about being on my own. Honestly, I'm not too worried. Obviously, like when I am here in the states, I'll have to be aware of my surrounds, but I think I can handle Frankfurt.

I am worried about missing my family and friends! I'll definitely miss my mom, dad, Kayla, Chase and of course Sydney. Not to worry though, I'll be sure to Skype them all frequently.

My hope is that I will be to make several friends while I am abroad. I'm planning on attending Institute out there and I think I'll be attending a German-speaking ward while I am there. (Especially since a German-speaking ward will be closer to where I live and starts at 9:30 a.m., where the English-speaking ward starts at 2:00 p.m.)

I've already gotten my training schedule for the first few weeks I will be working at the LDS Public Affairs office. My first day will be exhausing! I will get picked up at the airport and will be taken straight to the office. Hopefully I will be able to get some sleep on the plane, but I'm doubtful.

Something I'm not looking forward to on this adventure is that it will be darker in Germany than it is here in Utah. I'll lose a little more than an hour of light when I get to Frankfurt. Fortunately, each day it will get a little bit lighter and a little bit warmer.

Overall, I can't wait to go abroad!

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